1MMD2014 [27 of 365] Coincidence no longer lives here

…it has passed on and I shed not a single tear!

So I was stopped from going out today. By a mere stomach bug.

I no longer subscribe to chance and used my time wisely. Spent most of the day with the Great Masters i.e. Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven and Vivaldi. Then armed with probably half a dozen, if not more, Stumbo lollipops, I went about the task of emailing and calling most every lead I could to chase up the resources and seed capital I require for my Start-Up.

Now this was a list I have been steadily compiling for the last few months and the day to day running around on the verge of madness at the extremes of success and failure, has kept me from making any substantial progress… until today.

I yet await feedback from a few Leads I’ve chased up and as the sun is gearing up to set, today was a day met with moderate success, of the scale I have not endured in quite some time.

So with this Blog Post still needing to go live, a burst pipe that needed fixing, photos still to be sent to a new agency I had contact with earlier and Vivaldi playing in the background, come Tuesday will be quite the exciting day to be me…

Follow and let’s continue the conversation on Twitter! Be Safe. Be Blessed.
@davbai24 | #LoveTheDoers | #2014Domination | #LoveJapan | #LoveJesusMore | #LoveMandela | #LoveTheWriters | #LoveTheMusic | #LOLmoment



17 days left…

and this is a rather odd time for me to be updating, but with Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker soothing the surrounding air and pack of jelly babies being devoured next to me, let’s not miss the opportunity shall we. So met with a rather interesting fellow earlier, and we can safely assume, after our Trial run this coming Saturday, that hD[creative] will now be offering VIDEO CONTENT in addition to Our existing 4 Service Offerings. Oh, who am I kidding, you know me better than this by now already! Trialrun-Smialrun! I like this guy and his Values are inline with mine own, so… hD[creative] now OFFERS Video Content as well! Done. 
Phew. Hehe… What else? Had a rather interesting Follow on Twitter (@davbai24) when I woke up this morning, actress from my FAVOURITE TV Series at the moment. Hint: Season 2 just started on The CW and he likes bows and arrows! Ok ok, he’s a DC Comics character! Nuff said…
Yeah, but David, Celebrities add me all the time… I hear you, but I don’t HAVE as many Followers as you do, do I.
p.s. Am sure the profile pic on my Blog caught your attention, possibly more female readers here too now, so allow me to welcome you as well. Say HI guys! The baby in question is my nephew Liam who is about 2 weeks old now? I just thought it funny to do that with the apple while he was sleeping. Hehe…


4 days left…


and I finally have Tchaikovsky back! Have you ever tried listening to the Classics? Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin we all know, but then there are guys like Grieg and Dvorak too, out of them all Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker is probably my favourite thus far! Anyway, what have I accomplished since last you were here? Well, save for the fact that I just received word last night that my Enterprise is now in the hands of 200 Foreign Executives e.g. Ambassador of Iran, Ambassador of Maputo, etc.
Not MUCH. Oh yes, I did mail off some Key Partner/Sponsorship/Investor requests and have some more lined up for today. With my Campaign (@davbai24/@hdcreates/#HowToRaise250kIn28Days) only a few short days away from ending (see subject line), things are really reaching critical mass. I have everything in place and merely require that amount to give my Enterprise the BEST possible start at Total Domination. Am I afraid that I won’t make it? OF COURSE I AM! Allow me though to end off with this; drew a Scripture this morning and this is what Jesus told me, David-John Wayne Bailey; “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear…” (read 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV if you don’t believe me)

FNB Business Account balance = R0.00

p.s. The 200, I am told, will only be seeing my Service Offering poster tomorrow, so I shall upload soon after, so that you may see it as well and give feedback. Regards, D
